3/28/2011 - Excellence & Innovation in Health Care
6-7:30 PM
This event will be entitled "Excellence and Innovation in Health Care and Social Service Delivery."
Dr. Alieta Eck will show case the Zarephath Center's business model (what has worked, how they achieved their successes, and even, what were some of the "stumbling blocks", and how might this model be implemented elsewhere to address similar needs in other communities?) - as well as Eva's Village and from a different perspective, also the work that the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has done towards this effort.
For more info: contact
Gladys Torres Baumgarten, Ph.D. gtorresb@ramapo.edu
Executive Director Sabrin Center for Business Excellence
Ramapo College of NJ
Anisfield School of Business
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430