9/17/2011 - Constitution Day Educational Workshop
FREE and open to the public - Please RSVP at
Everything You
Wanted To Know
About "ObamaCare"
(But Didn't Know
Who To Ask)
Constitution Day Educational Workshop
1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, September 17, 2011
On the Campus of DeSales University
Center Valley, PA
Health care professionals, policy experts, and REAL PEOPLE
will explain how the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),
also known as "ObamaCare," affects every citizen
Expert Presentations, Breakout Sessions,
Panel Discussion, Q&A, Exhibits
Sponsored by a coalition of concerned citizens,
grassroots advocates,
health care professionals,
and the
Lehigh Valley Coalition for Health Care Reform
FREE and open to the public - Please RSVP at