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STOP NJ Bill A2751 - Help Save Private Medicine!

The New Jersey Assembly is considering a bill that will destroy private medicine by encouraging price-fixing by health insurance companies.  It will allow them to dictate fees for out-of-network physicians.  It will even prohibit insured patients from paying out-of-pocket for quality care.  This bill, A2751, is a dream-come-true for insurance companies, and a nightmare for physicians and patients.

The hearing on this bill is at 10am, this Monday June 18, Committee Room 15 (4th Floor, State House Annex Building ... next to the State House), in Trenton.  We need as many physicians and patients there as possible, to offset the immense influence that insurance companies have.

In the free market, insurance companies should not be allowed to set the prices.  But NJ A2751, co-sponsored by Gary Schaer and Grace Spender, would give insurance companies that power, even over out-of-network physicians.  This bill also denies some patients their own right to purchase medical care.  Not even the Canadian Supreme Court would allow this much interference with patients’ rights.

The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down state laws attempting to control professional fees.  Now some politicians want to give that same power to insurance companies.  Please let your legislators know how wrong this is, and show up with your patients at Monday’s hearing!

AAPS will be there.  Our General Counsel will be there.  The Medical Society of New Jersey should be there to oppose the bill, but we do not know if it will.  Please help us save private medicine and contact your legislator!

In addition to attending Monday's hearing in Trenton, you can help by calling your legislators and telling them that you DO NOT support A2751. Encourage your patients to call too.

You can find your legislators' contact information here:

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