Support the Volunteer Physician Protection Act

We just got word that the New Jersey Medical Society Board of Trustees has overwhelmingly approved of our plan to reform the Medicaid system in order to enhance the way we take care of the poor in NJ, reward the physicians with comprehensive medical malpractice protection for all their professional work in the state, and to relieve the taxpayers of the huge burden of the current system.
Now it is time for all physicians in NJ as well as those in PA and NY to register your approval for the concepts behind the NJ Volunteer Physicians Protection Act-- free care in exchange for state sponsored comprehensive medical malpractice coverage.
To show your approval, go to, and fill in the short form.
We have NJ legislators that are working on drafting the bill, and the more they see that doctors like the concept, the quicker they will make this happen. We will be looking for bi-partisan support as this will benefit all physicians, all patients and all taxpayers.
This will in no way be binding, as the law has not even been written. It will be a voluntary program once enacted, so you can favor it even if you do not envision volunteering yourself. You can favor it even if you are retired.
If you are willing to have your name displayed, click "yes." This way your colleagues will see that you favor major changes in the Medicaid system. It's about time!
Alieta Eck, MD - President-elect, AAPS
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