AAPS is the only physician organization to file an amicus brief to overturn ObamaCare

Entities in support of ObamaCare do not want the US Supreme Court to grant expedited review, and maybe they thought it best not to attract attention to the case. But the US Supreme Court has already taken an extra week to deliberate over whether to grant review. A decision may be rendered on April 22 or possibly Monday, April 25, or maybe the Supreme Court will take even more time before deciding.
AAPS is the only group of practicing physicians that submitted a brief to the US Supreme Court Justices to consider in deciding how to approach ObamaCare. Our brief was skillfully written by Andy Schlafly, our legal counsel (and incidentally a former classmate of President Barack Obama at Harvard Law School)
It is quite likely that our brief is being read over and over.
Please consider joining the AAPS to increase physician influence before the Supreme Court, and add your voice to the growing number of doctors who do not want the government to take over our profession.
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